home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // -----
- // SiteWind.txt = VDL171.txt
- // Copyright 1996 Claris
- // -----
- // Site Window
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- //This section contains all localizable string constants for this VDL program. Be sure to
- //include the backslash character at the end of each line of a multi-line string, except for the last line.
- //You may also flatten multiline constants into a single line, if you prefer
- #define kLit1 "FTP Settings"
- #define kLit2 "Image Policy"
- #define kLit3 "Server Name:"
- #define kLit4 "User Name:"
- #define kLit5 "Remote Directory:"
- #define kLit6 "Store Image Files:"
- #define kLit7 "With the HTML File"
- #define kLit8 "In an Image Directory"
- #define kLit9 "Ask Me Each Time"
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define kLit10 "Image folder:"
- #else
- #define kLit10 "Image directory:"
- #endif
- #define kLit11 "Specifies where image files are stored. Images may be stored "\
- "with the files that reference them, or they may be stored in a "\
- "dedicated \"images\" folder. Use the Consolidate command to "\
- "move images into the designated location."
- #define kLit12 "Specifies the name or address of the ftp server where this site "\
- "will be uploaded, for example, \"ftp.mycompany.com\"."
- #define kLit13 "Specifies the user name (or \"account name\") to use when logging "\
- "into the FTP server."
- #define kLit14 "Specifies the relative path, from the default or root directory of "\
- "the FTP server, to the root directory for this site. May be left "\
- "blank to store the site in the default directory."
- #define kLit15 "Specifies the name of the images directory within the site folder, "\
- "to be used if the \"in an Image Directory\" option is chosen for image "\
- "file storage. When the site is consolidated, all referenced images "\
- "will be moved into this folder."
- #define kLit16 "Statistics"
- #define kLit17 "Number of Pages:"
- #define kLit18 "Number of Images:"
- #define kLit19 "Local Directory:"
- #define kLit20 "Total Size:"
- #define kLit21 "Upload time (14400):"
- #define kLit22 "Upload time (28800):"
- #define kLit23 "Upload Site"
- #define kLit24 "Refresh Now"
- #define kLit25 "Consolidate"
- #define kLit26 "Images will be stored in the same folder as the HTML file that "\
- "references them. Note that this will cause duplication of "\
- "image files referenced from multiple HTML files. "
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define kLit27 "Images will be stored in a dedicated folder, whose name is "\
- "specified in the \"Image folder\" field."
- #else
- #define kLit27 "Images will be stored in a dedicated folder, whose name is "\
- "specified in the \"Image directory\" field."
- #endif
- #define kLit28 "When this site is consolidated, you will be prompted to specify the new location "\
- "(directory) for all image files that must be moved."
- #define kLit29 "Only upload files that have changed since the last upload."
- #define kLit30 "If checked, the \"Upload Site\" button will only upload files that have "\
- "been changed locally since the last upload."
- #define kLit31 "Before Upload:"
- #define kLit32 "Always Consolidate"
- #define kLit33 "Never Consolidate"
- #define kLit34 "Ask Me before Consolidating"
- #define kLit35 "Specifies whether Claris Home Page will consolidate the site before "\
- "uploading. Consolidation moves image files into local directories "\
- "so that links to the image files are not broken when the site is "\
- "uploaded."
- #define kLit36 "Warn about missing images during consolidation."
- #define kLit37 "If checked, Claris Home Page will prompt you to locate image "\
- "files that can't be found during consolidation of the site."
- #define kLit38 "Consolidate the site. This will copy all image files into the "\
- "an appropriate location within the site folder, according to "\
- "the settings specified under Image Policy."
- #define kLit39 "Upload the site to a remote server, according to the settings "\
- "specified under FTP Settings."
- #define kLit40 "Controls which category of site options is displayed."
- #define kLit41 "Service Provider:"
- #define kLit42 "ISP/LAN"
- #define kLit43 "America Online"
- #define kLit44 "Screen Name:"
- #define kLit45 "Selects the way you connect to the Internet."
- #define kLit46 "Specifies your AOL member name or screen name."
- #define kLit47 "*Remember, you must be logged in to America Online before launching "\
- "Claris Home Page Lite to upload your site. "\
- "If you have difficulty uploading files to AOL, "\
- "please refer to the section \"Uploading files to AOL\" in the "\
- "ReadMe file included with this product."
- //Note: the file name will probably not change, but the name of the "Help" folder
- //probably will. Note that the translated name MUST be 8 chars or less.
- #define kHelpURL "Help/SiteDoc.htm"
- #define kHelpTitle "Help"
- //Localized Fonts
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define kHelpFont Font = {Geneva, 9, {Italic}}
- #define kStaticHelpFont Font = {Geneva, 10, {Plain}}
- #else
- #define kHelpFont Font = {"MS Sans Serif", 8, {Plain}}
- #define kStaticHelpFont Font = {"MS Sans Serif", 8, {Plain}}
- #endif
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- #if Platform_Mac
- //Height of the help view
- #define kHelpViewHeight 50
- //Height and width of the main pane (dialog size is derived from this)
- #define kSiteListHeight 165
- #define kSiteListWidth 420
- //Width of all the edit text labels.
- #define kStandardLabelWidth 130
- //Width of the images policy popup
- #define kImagePopupWidth 325
- //Width of the 'consolidate before upload' policy popup
- #define kConsolidatePopupWidth 355
- //Width of the label on the Images Policy popup
- #define kImagePopupLabelWidth 150
- //Width of the label, and data columns in the stats pane
- #define kStatsLabelWidth 150
- #define kStatsDataWidth 225
- // --- Mac only ---
- //Width of the mode popup (mac only)
- #define kModePopupWidth 125
- #else
- //Height of the help view
- #define kHelpViewHeight 65
- //Height and width of the main pane (dialog size is derived from this)
- #define kSiteListHeight 180
- #define kSiteListWidth 420
- //Width of all the edit text labels.
- #define kStandardLabelWidth 130
- //Width of the images policy popup
- #define kImagePopupWidth 325
- //Width of the 'consolidate before upload' policy popup
- #define kConsolidatePopupWidth 355
- //Width of the label on the Images Policy popup
- #define kImagePopupLabelWidth 150
- //Width of the label, and data columns in the stats pane
- #define kStatsLabelWidth 150
- #define kStatsDataWidth 225
- // --- Win Only ---
- #endif
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- //No further localizable data past this point
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define EH(x) ,EnabledHelpString = x
- #else
- #define EH(x) ,EnabledHelpString = x
- #endif
- #define StdLabel LabelWidth = kStandardLabelWidth, LabelAlignment = Right
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define SiteBack BackColor = {57015, 57015, 57015}
- #else
- #define SiteBack BackColor = Dialog
- #endif
- Define(SiteStats)
- VList(SiteBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- #if Platform_Win
- Spacer(Height = 10, Width = 0);
- #endif
- HList()
- {
- StaticText(kLit19, Alignment = Right, Width = kStatsLabelWidth);
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 20);
- StaticText(localDirectory, Alignment = Left, Width = kStatsDataWidth);
- }
- HList()
- {
- StaticText(kLit17, Alignment = Right, Width = kStatsLabelWidth);
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 20);
- StaticText(numberOfPages, Alignment = Left, Width = kStatsDataWidth);
- }
- HList()
- {
- StaticText(kLit20, Alignment = Right, Width = kStatsLabelWidth);
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 20);
- StaticText(totalSize, Alignment = Left, Width = kStatsDataWidth);
- }
- #ifdef DISABLED
- HList()
- {
- StaticText(kLit21, Alignment = Right, Width = kStatsLabelWidth);
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 20);
- StaticText(slowUploadTime, Alignment = Left, Width = kStatsDataWidth);
- }
- HList()
- {
- StaticText(kLit22, Alignment = Right, Width = kStatsLabelWidth);
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 20);
- StaticText(fastUploadTime, Alignment = Left, Width = kStatsDataWidth);
- }
- #endif
- Spacer(Height = 75, Width = UseParent);
- PushButton(kLit24, 3313, "None", kButtonFont); // ccRefreshSiteStats
- } //SiteStats
- Define(FTPSettings)
- Margin(10, 10, 10, 10, SiteBack , Width = UseParent,Height = kSiteListHeight)
- VList( Width = UseParent, Height = UseParent)
- {
- IntegerPopup( kLit41,
- kStandardLabelWidth + 4,
- serviceProvider,
- Width = 260
- EH( kLit45))
- {
- IntItem(kLit42, 0);
- IntItem(kLit43, 1);
- };
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
- Switch(serviceProvider, SiteBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 0:
- default:
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- EditText( ftpServer, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
- Label = kLit3, StdLabel, NoSmartQuotes,
- NoSmartEdits EH( kLit12) );
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
- EditText( ftpUser, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
- Label = kLit4, StdLabel, NoSmartQuotes,
- NoSmartEdits EH( kLit13) );
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
- EditText( ftpDir, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
- Label = kLit5, StdLabel, NoSmartEdits,
- NoSmartQuotes EH(kLit14) );
- Spacer(Height = 15, Width = UseParent);
- }
- case 1: // AOL
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- EditText( aolMemberName, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
- Label = kLit44, StdLabel,
- NoSmartQuotes, NoSmartEdits EH( kLit46) );
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
- StaticText(kLit47, Width = UseParent, kStaticHelpFont);
- Spacer(Height = 7, Width = UseParent);
- }
- }//switch(serviceProvider)
- #if Platform_Win
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = UseParent);
- #endif
- IntegerPopup( kLit31,
- kStandardLabelWidth + 4,
- consolidatePolicy,
- Width = kConsolidatePopupWidth
- EH( kLit35))
- {
- IntItem(kLit32, 0);
- IntItem(kLit33, 1);
- IntItem(kLit34, 2);
- };
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = UseParent);
- #if Platform_Mac
- WidowCheckBox(kLit29, onlyChangeNewer, Width = UseParent, Height = 16 EH( kLit30));
- #else
- CheckBox(kLit29, onlyChangeNewer, Width = UseParent EH( kLit30));
- #endif
- } //FTP Settings
- Define (ImagePolicy)
- Margin(10, 10, 10, 0, SiteBack, Width = UseParent, Height = kSiteListHeight)
- VList(Height = UseParent, Width = UseParent)
- {
- #if Platform_Mac
- WidowCheckBox(kLit36, checkMissing, Width = UseParent, Height = 16 EH( kLit37));
- #else
- CheckBox(kLit36, checkMissing, Width = UseParent EH(kLit37));
- #endif
- Spacer(Height = 10, Width = 0);
- IntegerPopup( kLit6, kImagePopupLabelWidth, imagesPolicy, Width = kImagePopupWidth EH( kLit11))
- {
- IntItem(kLit7, 0);
- IntItem(kLit8, 1);
- IntItem(kLit9, 2);
- };
- Spacer(Height = 5, Width = 0);
- Switch(imagesPolicy, SiteBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 1:
- EditText( imagesFolder,
- BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535},
- Label = kLit10,
- LabelWidth = kImagePopupLabelWidth - 4,
- LabelAlignment = Right,
- NoSmartEdits,
- NoSmartQuotes
- EH( kLit15) );
- default:
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- }
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = 0);
- Switch(imagesPolicy, SiteBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 0:
- StaticText(kLit26, Width = UseParent, kStaticHelpFont);
- case 1:
- StaticText(kLit27, Width = UseParent, kStaticHelpFont);
- case 2:
- StaticText(kLit28, Width = UseParent, kStaticHelpFont);
- }
- } //Image Policy
- Define(MainList)
- HList(SiteBack)
- {
- Spacer(Height = kSiteListHeight, Width = 0, ScaleV);
- VList( )
- {
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = kSiteListWidth, ScaleH);
- Switch(mode)
- {
- case 0:
- default:
- Margin(0,0,0,0)
- Call(FTPSettings);
- case 1:
- Margin(0,0,0,0)
- Call(ImagePolicy);
- case 2:
- Margin(0,0,0,0)
- Call(SiteStats);
- } // Switch(mode)
- #if Platform_Win
- Spacer(Width = UseParent, Height = UseParent);
- #endif
- } //VList
- } //HList
- Margin(10, 10, 10, 10, SiteBack)
- VList()
- {
- #if Platform_Mac
- Layout(AllowOverlap)
- {
- HList(Left = 10, Top = 0)
- {
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 0);
- IntegerPopup("", 0, mode, Width = kModePopupWidth, NoUndo EH(kLit40))
- {
- IntItem(kLit1, 0);
- IntItem(kLit2, 1);
- IntItem(kLit16, 2);
- };
- Spacer(Width = 5, Height = 0);
- }
- Margin(1,1,1,1, BackColor = {0,0,0}, Left = 0, Top = 10)
- Margin(10,12,5,6, SiteBack)
- Margin(14,5,4,0)
- Call(MainList);
- } //Layout
- #else
- TabControl(mode,NoUndo)
- {
- Tab(kLit1, 0);
- Tab(kLit2, 1);
- Tab(kLit16, 2);
- Subview:
- Call(MainList);
- }; //Tab Control
- #endif //if Platform_Win
- Spacer(Height = 3, Width = 0);
- #if Platform_Mac
- HelpView(Width = UseParent, Height = kHelpViewHeight, kHelpFont);
- #else
- Margin(2,2,2,2, Single)
- HelpView(Width = UseParent, Height = kHelpViewHeight, kHelpFont);
- Spacer(Height = 10, Width = 0, VScale);
- #endif
- HList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- #if Platform_Mac
- PictPushButton(4000, "ContextHelpProc", HelpFile = kHelpURL)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',14055 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',14057 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',14056 );
- };
- #else
- PushButton(kHelpTitle, 4000, "ContextHelpProc", HelpFile = kHelpURL);
- #endif
- Spacer(Width = UseParent, Height = 0);
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 20);
- PushButton(kLit25, 3314, "None", kButtonFont EH(kLit38)); // ccConsolidateImages
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 20);
- PushButton(kLit23, 3003, "None", kButtonFont EH(kLit39)); // ccRemoteSave
- }
- } // VList (main dialog)